Upcoming SJSC Races
Ahoy, the spring breezes have been more like gales as winds of over 40 knots have been clocked several times and it is only the middle of June. Hopefully the weather will settle down into a more pleasant pattern in the coming weeks. We have three races coming up in the next month, so here are the details:
Saturday, June 24th
San Juan Cup (a real misnomer as there is no cup, there is no trophy, zilch, zip , zero, nada).
The San Juan Cup is a one race event covering much of the northern end of the lake. Course will depend upon conditions. Skippers meeting is set for 12 noon on the dock. Entry fee is $15 for member boats; $25 for non-members. Entry fee is payable at the skippers meeting. No exceptions! Race is tentatively set to start at 2:00 PM at the earliest or the arrival of reliable wind. Awards for first three finishers will be presented at a raft up in the mooring cove after the race. This is a fun event for all – racers and cruisers. See you at the line!
Sunday, June 25th
Bass Ackwards Race
This is an event that handicaps in reverse. Staggered start, with the slowest boats starting first. (If we did a good job handicapping, theoretically all boats would finish dead even.) Don't race much? This is your chance to lead a race and avoid the starting line mayhem. Skippers meeting at noon on the dock with a start planned for 2:00 PM, unless the wind comes up before then. No entry fee, no awards, just a lot of trash talking and fun.
Saturday, July 8th
The He-Man Race
The He-Man Cup for racers starts at the north end and goes to a buoy at the south end (TBA) and returns to La Jara Canyon where the finish will be at the mouth of LaJara, not a quarter mile up that %$*@^ canyon. Cruisers race directly to La Jara. Start for He-Man is 7:00 a.m. (I personally would like to lobby for a 6:30 AM start to take advantage of the morning breezes) on Saturday. We will have some kind of cutoff for the cruising fleet based on handicap and/or experience) Skippers meeting is 7:00 PM on Friday on the dock. Entry fee is $15 for member boats; $25 for non-members. Entry fee is payable at the skippers meeting.
Sunday, July 9th
La Jara Cruise Champagne Brunch
Race, cruise or motor, please join up for awards and brunch Sunday morning.
Bill and Barbara Dodds
Race Commodores