Saturday, March 10, 2007

Annual Meeting -- 03/17/07

Annual Meeting will be March 17, 2007, at 6:00 p.m at Joe and Vickie Janson's off CR 502--driving directions below. Bring your St.Patty's Day finery.   Potluck and BYOB.
Please call Vickie to RSVP and let her know what dish you would like to bring.  When Joe & I e-mailed about menu, our first reaction was that it would be sorta  fun if everyone brought desserts, but on second thought, maybe that's not such a good idea!
Please bring your 2007 dues,  ideas for calendar or activities, and nominees for officers. 
We'll also discuss a club service project.  One possibility--a shore cleanup day.  Instead of adopting a road, each boat adopts 1/2 mile of shoreline. Anchor off, take your dinghy, and haul out all the junk and trash accumulated from our careless boating brethren.  (And admit it--we may have lost an item or two over the side on occasion too!)   It's sad but true--while we would like to think that boaters are more ecologically responsible than your average bear, it ain't necessarily so.   Those of you who participated in the great cove cleanup the year the water went away will  agree.  Batteries, duct work, batteries, freezers, and an engine block or two?  And remember the huge circle of beer cans around one  mooring?   Odd that it was about 70' in  radius. I leave you to draw your own conclusions.
Here are driving directions to Jansons' house:
It's always simpler and so straight forward to bring first time visitors here from Bayfield.  If anyone wants to know the other two ways we'd be happy to give those directions to those who want them.
Thanks, Vickie
308 Highview Rd., Bayfield, CO 81122
From Durango take Hwy 160 towards Bayfield.
Continue through Gem Village.
After passing under the pipe over the road and before the Los Pinos River, turn left on CR 502. 
Go approximately 7.8 miles
(Be sure to turn left when the pavement ends to keep you on CR 502).
Turn left on CR 503 (Homestead Ranches Subdivision entrance)
Make immediate right turn up the hill on Highview Rd. (shows on map as C.R. 503A).
1st driveway on the left.
Janson sign is posted on the tree as well as #308 and butterflies.
She's right about that route being easier--we found that out one night dragging our boat trailer, the big one, around with the Suzuki in the rain!
But you can also get there via C.R. 223, 228, and 502.   Tricky parts of going that way  are  where 223 and 228 cross and the wye intersection of 228 and 502 (turn right onto 502).
Map is available at MapQuest Directions To Janson's
(If link doesn't work, just go to  and type in the address).
David Dickinson


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