Tuesday, June 13, 2006

2006 Calendar, Rev. 06-13

2006 San Juan Sailing Club Calendar

Opening Day Parade, Commodore’s Party, and Dock Party Sunday, May 28, 2006. Flash: Ginger tells me that we might prevail upon Rev. Ted to bless the fleet! Assemble at the dock at 2:00, then Cruise and Boat Parade to mooring cove and Windsurf Beach–All boaters welcome. Motor, sail, row, use your swim fins, or whatever. Dock Party 4:30 p.m. Potluck & BYOB. Donations welcome–we’ll raise funds for a new BBQ grill for the dock.

Beer Can Racing–May 31and every two weeks thereafter (6-14, 6-28, 7-12, 7-26, 8-9, 8-23). Start 6:30 sharp!! Start is a bit later to try to let more people get there after work (may be adjusted later in season, watch this space), as no restaurant is open till any reasonable hour (they all close at 7:30 or so). Plan on bringing a sandwich or BBQ for after racing supper. There’s a BBQ on the dock, and those of us in slips will try to have our barbies and cockpits available for a relaxed supper after the boats are put away. Looking for a chance to invite a friend to try sailing? Show up at the dock & you’re pretty much guaranteed a ride–especially if you bring the beer!!

June 10–Scavenger Cruise. Postponed to July 22.

June 24–25–San Juan Cup Saturday; Bass-Ackwards Race Sunday. First organized races of the season. OK, I’ll skip the crack about “SJSC” and “organized” in the same sentence. San Juan Cup is usually run on a non-triangular course with lots of reaching and running–great for cruising boats. Bass-Ackwards Race– This is an event that handicaps in reverse. Staggered start, with the slowest boats starting first. (If we did a good job handicapping, theoretically all boats would finish dead even.) Don’t race much? This is your chance to lead a race and avoid the starting line mayhem.

July 1. Dock party (tentatively a Parrothead Party with seafood as the menu).

No formal 4th of July celebration is planned this year--4th is on a
Tuesday, and no sponsor or organizer for fireworks has stepped forward.

July 8-9–He-Man Cup on Saturday; La Jara Cruise Champagne Brunch on Sunday. Start for He-Man is 7:00 a.m. on Saturday. Cruisers–please come down Saturday and join us for overnight anchorage and the Brunch on Sunday. More details (including eligibility for cruising or racing fleets–we’ll have some kind of cutoff for the cruising fleet based on handicap and/or experience) TBA.

July 22 -- Scavenger Cruise. Skipper’s Meeting at dock at 12:30 (monitor Ch. 16-72 for where to meet); start 1:00. Fun cruise for all–it is not a race! Deep draft boats will want to tow a dinghy. Dinner and raftup TBA.

Aug. 5-6–La Jara Cruise. Moon is close to full–c’mon down for a great cruise, raftup, dinner, and relaxation. Spinnaker run Sat. AM, weather permitting.

Aug. 26--Stahlecker Cup and American Cancer Society benefit. Dinner & party afterwards–details TBA.

Labor Day Weekend–Sept. 2-4: Racing Saturday, Sept. 2; Progressive Brunch on Sunday, Sept. 3–details to be announced.

Sept. 9-10–Full Moon Cruise to Francis Canyon (at south end of lake).

Fall End of Season Mexican Potluck –Oct. 7, 2006 at the dock.

Oct. 28-29: Haulout and Chili Cookoff. (If you missed this one last year, it was a heck of party. And you couldn’t believe the food!!)

Dock Parties/Potlucks: TBA. Neal is hoping to have a theme for each party–Hawaiian, etc. (Haulout, obviously, is a Mexican theme.)

Calendar Updates will go out in the newsletter or via e-mail. Be sure to check a day or so before any scheduled event to see if there are changes.

This is a notice of race for all racing events. All racing is subject to USSA rules, modified as follows:

1. Protests are officially discouraged.
2. Course will be announced at skipper’s meeting.
3. Unless otherwise announced, skipper’s meeting at 1:00 p.m. on day of race, start at 2:00 or when wind permits. There is no skipper’s meeting for beer can races!
4. Flags may be flown while racing.


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