Progressive Brunch Annoucement
By now, you have all probably read about the Progressive Brunch to be held on Sunday, September 3rd.
The plan is to get around 6 or more boats that would volunteer to host the Brunch by serving some food of their choice. Being a brunch, you could choose a breakfast type item or a lunch type item.
Next we'll plan a time line of what food will be served on what boat and when. We are thinking that we could start around 9AM and finish by 2PM.
Each host boat can choose where they want to host their portion of the meal. It could be on the dock, on a bouy or on an anchor in a cove somewhere. The rest of the fleet would then either sail, motor or walk/swim to the host boat and raft/join up.
So, we are now asking for volunteer boats to host a portion of the Progressive Brunch. Please let us know ( if you would be willing to share you boat with the club.
Randy and Kristen
Cruising Comodores
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