Tuesday, June 10, 2008

June 08 Board Meeting Minutes

Minutes of SJSC meeting held at the Two River’s Marina dock, Saturday, June 7th at 4:15 PM:


Perry asked about the status of the Blog. Reply was that it’s “in process”.

Treasurer’s Report will be available soon.

A member of the club had asked that the new handle for the mast crane be discussed. It is much slower than the old handle requiring more cranking to raise and lower masts. The outcome of the discussion was that the state park installed the winch handle for safety reasons. The state park controls the mast crane. As such, it is unlikely that the old handle can be put back into service. Sorry…

Upcoming events include:

San Juan Cup, Saturday, June 14th. Skipper’s meeting to be held around noon on the dock. The fee for this race is $15.00. Fees must be paid prior to the race. Checks or cash. Prizes will be awarded.

“Bass-ack-ward’s” Race, Sunday, June 15th. Skipper’s meeting to be held around noon on the dock. No fee for this race (and no prizes either!). But, it’s fun so come out and give it a try! The boat with the highest handicap will be first to cross the start line. If you plan to participate, PLEASE CONTACT PERRY ASAP (powder4evermon@hotmail.com) so the handicaps can be figured prior to the weekend! This will save considerable time on the weekend when we all want to relax and just have fun.

Clean up at the park, Saturday, June 21st. Pancake breakfast to be put on by the Marina crew in the morning for those participating If you want pancakes/breakfast, you must let us know (i.e., if you want to eat that morning, RSVP!).

The Man-Over-Board (MOB) drill will be rescheduled to the weekend of July 12th. Several folks interested in this event can not attend on the weekend of June 21st. Stay tuned…

Rum Run and Pot Luck, Saturday, June 28th. Details regarding this event were sent out previously. For the pot luck, bring your own item to grill, a dish to share and, BYOB.

Stahlecher Race for the LOCAL chapter of the American Cancer Society, weekend of July 5th and 6th. This is a fee race with prizes. All fees collected will go to the local chapter of the American Cancer Society. MINIMUM entry fee is $25.00 but open your wallets wide and make as generous a donation as you can. If you are not racing, your donation will be gladly accepted as well!

Reminder: Port Supply orders go to our treasurer, Janet Dickinson (dancingnana@frontier.net). Save money on your West Marine wish list items and order through the club! You will save a little (maybe even a lot) and the club will get 5% of your order total. This revenue adds up over time and helps us to pay for our insurance and other club expenses.

If you haven’t renewed your membership in the club yet, it’s never too late! Again, contact Janet for information on membership.

If you have news for the blog, let Barbara and Bill Dodds know… thinairthinker@bresnan.net.

Interested in racing rules, handicapping, etc., check out the US Sailing Web site at:

Speaking of racing, a very big thanks goes out to Don Aarvold for sharing his extensive knowledge of race starts and tips on rigging for performance on Saturday evening before the dock party! Everyone enjoyed his talk on Saturday evening and we all learned a few new things. Do you have something that you could share with your fellow sailors? We are all ears….

Notice regarding all racing events

This is a notice for all racing events. All racing is subject to USSA rules, modified as follows:

Protest are officially discouraged.
Courses will be announced at skipper’s meetings.
Unless other-wise announced, skipper’s meetings will be at 1:00pm on day of race; start will be at 2:00pm or when wind permits.
No skipper’s meetings for Beer Can Races.
Flags may be flown while racing.
All race starts will be on VHF 68
Start sequences will be 11:00 minute “boom”;
Followed by 10 minute “boom”;
Five minute “boom";
“boom” or go.

Unless otherwise announced, races start at 2:00pm. Any on-water event is followed by a raftup, dock party or beach party. Location will be determined via VHF.

Be sure to check the Blog or this spot for calendar changes, start times and other important information.


1st Annual Rum Run


June 28,2008

General Information:
• The entrance fee is 1 pint of Good Quality Run (Bad Quality- Bad Handicap)
• The Race Committee assigns Handicaps and Penalties as they wish.
• The Race Committee can assess penalties, as well as time awards for exceptional seamanship or costumes.
• Absolutely no motors can be used at any time for any reason.
• There will be a skippers meeting at the dock before the race. At such time, the Race Committee will go over the following rules to make sure everyone understands the rules. Skipper’s meeting @ 12:30 June 28th.

• The race begins when boats anchor off the beach with sails down.
• The owner or 1 designated member of the crew rows, paddles or swims ashore with his/her entrance fee for the start of the race.
• The Race Committee deems the entry to be of good, poor or mediocre quality.
• The rum will be poured out into the “RUM KEG”.
• When the “gun” goes off, each designated crew must race past the rum keg and row, paddle or swim to their waiting yacht.
• ONLY when the sailors have made contact with the boat can the crew begin to hoist sails and pull anchor and sail off anchor.
• Sail the race course back to anchorage.
• Drop anchor and lower sails.
• ONLY then can the designated member row, paddle or swim to shore.
• The Designated member MUST have a cup in his/her hand or they will be sent back to the boat.
• The designated member, on reaching shore must find the Race Committee and drink a TOT of Rum.
• Upon finishing the rum, their time will be recorded.

This all will be followed by a beach party / raft up serving Rum Drinks as the Specialty of the House.


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

2008 Schedule

San Jan Sailing Club Schedule for 2008

May 25, Saturday: Reverend Ted will bless the fleet at 11:00am at the Marina. Celebration to follow - POSTPONED.

June 1, Saturday: Celebration of Frank and Adele’s marriage. Lunch at the dock followed by informal racing and cruising with wedding guests. Blessing of the fleet by Reverend Ted.

June 4 Wednesday: Beer Can Races begin and will be held every Wednesday through August. Races start at 6:30 sharp! If you plan on racing, call the marina so we know who’s coming. This is a good opportunity for people looking to sail who don’t have a boat. Show up at the dock with the right provisions and you're bound to get a ride.

June 7-8: Saturday June 7th, Two Rivers Marina is hosting a dock party. When Neil and the gang decide to throw a party, it’s going to be good. SJSC will also host it’s first sailing clinic of the year. This clinic's focus will be on racing. Saturday evening over sundowners, we will have instructional discussion on starting, simple tactics and of course a few tricks. Sunday we will have experienced racers go out aboard other boats to demonstrate and practice racing

June 14-15: Saturday, San Juan Cup; Sunday Bass-ack-wards Race. The San Juan Cup is a non-triangular course with lots of running and reaching – great for cruisers just ask Fred. Fee of $15 applies; prizes awarded. The Bass Ack-wards on Sunday features a staggered start with slowest boats going first. No fee for this fun, cruiser race. No crowded start line, but if we do a good job handicapping, everyone should finish at the same time.

Saturday, June 21: Cleanup at the park. The SJSC will be doing a cleanup of the shoreline around the marina, dry storage, mooring cove and other areas on the Colorado end of the lake. The crew at the marina will be putting on a pancake breakfast at 9am as a kick off for the event. Everybody is encouraged to show support by helping keep the lake beautiful. If you plan to attend the pancake breakfast, please let Perry or Barbara Dodds know. If you want to eat, let us know!

Man Over Board event(MOB) postponed to weekend of July 12th.

Saturday, June 28: Rum Run This new event is designed for skill development and fun. We will meet at the dock at noon and go over the details of the event. The Rum Run is a race where one member from each boat starts ashore and has to row, paddle or swim back to their boat anchored off shore. The crew on the boat cannot raise the anchor or sails until the crew member from shore has touched the boat. The crew then raises the sails and sails off anchor around a buoy course. After completing the course, the boat sails back to the starting point, anchors, a crew member rows ashore, drinks a shot of rum and records their finish time. The event will be followed by a beach party at the anchorage. (No race fee for this event.)

Saturday/Sunday, July 5-6: Sandy Stahlecker Memorial Regatta - annual benefit for the local chapter of the American Cancer Society.
This is a fun two-day race series. We will try to run 2-3 short course races Saturday afternoon and one Sunday morning. The finishes from each race will be scored together to create a final score. If you do poorly in one race, you have a chance to do well in the next and as we have seen in the past, it makes for an exciting couple of days. This year we are hoping to create a pledge sheet for each racing boat to help increase the clubs overall donation. The MINIMUM race fee is $25with all proceeds going to the local chapter of the American Cancer Society). Donations from all club members - racers and non-racers - will be welcome.

Saturday, July 12th: Man Over Board (MOB) drills off-shore and onshore. We will discuss how/how not to retrieve crew members overboard while under sail. Sunday morning, we will practice these skills on the lake. More experienced sailors will accompany others aboard their boats to help facilitate practice of MOB maneuvers. This is good chance to practice this seldom practiced art.

Saturday, July 19: 2nd Annual Pirate Regatta...Pirates will be back again to harvest the bounty of Navajo. You pirates best be armed with tennis balls, water cannons and anything else needed to repel boarders. Pirate dress is strongly encouraged. Details of Pirate party are still being worked out, but until further notice the dock is ours! Arrgh!

Saturday/Sunday, August 2-3: The He-Man Race followed by La Jara Champagne Brunch on Sunday. Start for the He-man is 7:00am Saturday. This is a fee race with prizes. This is the ultimate race and a test of your marriage. Racing class racers (with or without spinnakers) will race down to the dam and back to La Jara Canyon. Cruising class racers will race only to La Jara Canyon.
More details about this event will be posted concerning eligibility and raft up location. All boats welcome for the raft up and brunch.

Saturday, August 9: National Marina Day. This year there will be an on the water boat show by Rich’s Marine. Sailing Club members are encouraged to have their boats tied to the dock to show people the beauty of a sailboat. We will also arrange rides for newbie’s to experience the thrill of sailing.

Saturday/Sunday, August 16-17: Cruising Commodores will be hosting “Jacks Cruise”. Grandsons are encouraged to attend. Location TBA.

Saturday/Sunday August 23-24: La Jara Canyon Cruise to include a morning cruise down the lake to La Jara Canyon for a raft up and fun social.

Saturday/Sunday, September 6-7: Francis Canyon Cruise. Perhaps one of the best cruises on the lake. Water is still warm but the summer crowds are gone. Plan to join us on this unforgettable cruise.

Sunday, September 14: Commodore's Cup. This will be the last organized race and event of the summer season.

Other events may be added to this calendar at anytime. check the blog: http://sanjuansailingclub.blogspot.com/ for updates.

This is a notice for all racing events. All racing is subject to USSA rules, modified as follows:

Protest are officially discouraged.
Courses will be announced at skipper’s meetings.
Unless other-wise announced, skipper’s meetings will be at 1:00pm on day of race; start will be at 2:00pm or when wind permits.
No skipper’s meetings for Beer Can Races.
Flags may be flown while racing.
All race starts will be on VHF 68
Start sequences will be 11:00 minute “boom”;
Followed by 10 minute “boom”;
Five minute “boom";
“boom” or go.

Unless otherwise announced, races start at 2:00pm. Any on-water event is followed by a raftup, dock party or beach party. Location will be determined via VHF.

Be sure to check the Blog or this spot for calendar changes, start times and other important information.


Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Newport to Ensenada -- by Buz Branch


Hello fellow sailors,

Slowest race ever were the words for this year’s Newport to Ensenada. Booked as the biggest international yacht race in the world with sometimes over 650 yachts competing. Numbers were down at 455 racers this year. Wind predictions were for 0-4 knots right out of the south and held true. Now what could be more fun than going to windward in light air for possibly days? Brutal conditions prevailed with the wind on the nose the entire race.

Our crew of 5 on the Olson 30, SOUTHERN COMFORT, worked her to the max. My job this year was helmsman and ran things at night, big job as it is well known that the night fight is where this race is usually won or lost. We kept her moving and in the breeze, tacking back and forth, not a star or moon, not a windex light, totally by the feel of the breeze on your face. This might not sound very efficient but the Olson 30 is a high powered sport boat so any slight change in trim or helm is immediately felt. She has a narrow groove and so it’s fairly easy to keep her at full speed with an inch of helm either way. She will move at 5-6 knots in 4 knots of breeze. Visibility was zero with the rain, fog and pitch blackness.

My biggest worry was running into a navigation buoy or one of those 75 foot by 75 foot fish farms that are along the coast of Mexico (Unlit and floating via 50 gallon drums). I told my navigator to keep us no closer than 5 miles off the coast as there are large kelp beds that were thick several miles off shore. We were 50 miles from the finish line at 3 am when the skipper stuck his head out of the cabin and asked if I needed a break. ”Sure”, I said and went below. An hour later we hit the kelp that stopped us dead and it took an hour to get out. An hour lost with the kind of competition we faced usually meant last place. The skipper lost heart… I took over again and just after dawn the skipper made the decision to quit the race and head back to San Diego.

Turns out that by doing the math, we had less than 50 miles to go and 12 hours to do it as the 1st place guy didn’t finish till after 5pm and he owed us a bunch of time. The second place guy finished 5 hours later so it looks like we could have had second if not the first. (should of, could of) A lot can happen in 50 miles. We have trophied 6 out of the last seven years on this race -- always a second, never a first ... Maybe next year.

One thing is certain, we had a great team and it was the right decision to quit as another deciding factor was the boat yard that hauls us out for the trailer ride home would have been closed. It was either wait till Tuesday when they reopened or slog 18 hours north with a 2 hp Nissan outboard pushing a 30 foot boat. Sail home you say, well the winds were predicted to change ….again on the nose. Not a pretty prospect for an extremely tired crew.

So it was off to the San DiegoYacht Club where we called for a pick up from our shore crew already in Mexico. We had a nice lunch and I got to visit with Paul Calyard (A thrill for this hick from the sticks) as he is skipper of Americas Cup fame and Volvo round the world ocean race winner. As we sat resting, there must have been half the racing fleet come into the harbor -- even some of the Maxies and turbo sleds. We were in good company.

Well… That’s this years report from (almost) Mexico. See you on the water (not till end of June as Doubloon is in San Carlos where the Branch family will join her in a few weeks ).

Buz Branch


This document can also be seen at REPORT FROM MEXICO.doc

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Surviving a Twice Flipped Cat

Check out this article submitted by Buz Branch!

It is about Tom and Stanna Galbraith's cat Paradox

Article on a Twice Flipped Catamaran


Fred Grimes

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Info from the Commodore

SJSC members:

There is a lot going on as we move into the sailing season. A few boats are already in the water, enjoying the more consistent winds of early spring. Hope to see you all on the water at the May 5 group launch.

Buz Branch forwarded info about former members Tom and Stanna Galbraith, who are on this list. Buz, thanks so much for letting all of us know that Tom and Stanna are OK. This is really scary. Tom and Stanna were rescued after their catamaran was capsized off of Florida on a passage from Isla Mujeres, Mexico. According to the press release, they were rescued after about 24 hours in the water, thanks to their EPIRB:

Coast Guard Rescues 2 From Capsized Catamaran
**Video Available

TAMPA, Fla. - A Coast Guard Air Station Clear water rescue helicopter crew from Clearwater, Fla., hoisted two people from a capsized catamaran approximately 175 miles southwest of Tampa, Fla., at about 9 p.m. yesterday.

Thomas Galbraith, 60, and his wife Stanna Galbraith, 58, both of Durango, Colo., were sailing from Isla Mujeres, Mexico, to Anclote, Fla., a when their 35-foot catamaran, Paradox, hit a squall and capsized. Salt water activated the Emergency Position-Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB) on board the vessel giving the vessel's location. The Coast Guard's Seventh District Command Center in Miami received the signal and launched an Air Station Clearwater C-130 search plane at about 5 p.m. yesterday at to locate the distressed boaters.

The search plane found the capsized vessel at about 6 p.m. and flew overhead until the rescue helicopter could get on scene to hoist the couple.

The rescue helicopter crew arrived on scene at 8:25 p.m. and hoisted the couple into the helicopter. The helicopter arrived safely at Air Station Clearwater at a about 11 p.m. yesterday.

No injuries were reported and the couple refused treatment.

**Editor's note: Video of this case can be picked up at Coast Guard Air Station Clearwater's front gate at 15100 Rescue Way in Clearwater, Fla. Interviews are not available.**


The U.S. Coast Guard is a military, maritime, multi-mission service within the
Department of Homeland Security dedicated to protecting the safety and security of America.

Preliminary reports are that the boat was a total loss, but the Galbraiths are OK. Tom & Stanna, all of us wish you well.

The next time you hear about the Coast Guard and alleged Gestapo tactics, please remember that the USCG is there for all of us. Janet will order the video for the Club.

On a less somber note: Additions to the proposed SJSCschedule for this season. We forgot the club service project, a shore cleanup. Date TBA, but probably July. We have run this past Neal Dennis, and he says go for it. This is the marine version of "Adopt a Highway"--we'll each adopt a piece of shoreline, dinghy ashore, and pick up all the junk on the shore.

Also: USCG Auxiliary asks for our assistance in a sailing class. Neal is trying to firm up dates. First proposal is June 2, other dates TBA.

And about working in the storage yard:

Please be considerate of your neighbors when working on your boat in dry storage (or at the dock, for that matter). We narrowly averted a disaster this weekend.

A houseboat owner, whose boat was next to ours, was having the pontoons on the houseboat redone. We came down this weekend to work on the boat and found this black grit all over the deck (Bill Dodds had it too). The owner arrived shortly thereafter, and we were talking about boat projects. The mystery of the black grit was quickly solved-he had hired a guy to sand blast the pontoons and paint them with a two-part epoxy. (BTW, I know the owner, he's a thoroughly good guy, and I'm sure he had no idea about the impending disaster.) The black grit was the media used to sand blast the pontoons, which apparently was blown onto the adjacent boats. It was in every crack and crevice but hey, it will wash off. His contractor was using a professional sand blasting outfit, with a compressor/trailer, big hopper, heavy hoses, etc.

The next AM we were down working on the boat, and I went over to chat with the owner. I had noticed that one pontoon had been partially brush painted the previous evening and mentioned it. He told me his contractor had intended to spray it but his sprayer broke, and he didn't want to waste the epoxy, so he put on as much as he could with a brush!

Spraying any paint in the dry storage would be a complete disaster. But an epoxy is even worse--the paint takes up to two hours to dry--once atomized, it could drift all over the yard. Every boat would get a new paint job, whether it wanted it or not!

I showed my friend the sand blast media all over the deck, and he was appalled. He immediately realized the problem, contacted his contractor, and told him he had to roll the paint, which he did (but he didn't seem really thrilled about having to do so).

I'm really worried about the possibility that someone else might try this. Several boat owners talked to the contractor (sorry, I don't know his name) about doing their boats. The sand blasting is a horrible nuisance, but spray painting, especially with a slow-drying epoxy, would be an unqualified disaster.

Neal Dennis says he will make sure that all owners know that spray painting is not allowed and will police the yard to prevent a reoccurrence of this problem. We also have talked about a designated wash/sanding area, but it is still in the works.

I let Don Aarvold know that a houseboat owner next to "Nighthawk" had arranged to have his pontoons done. He went down today and found that his boat too had a generous helping of sand blasting crud. He has talked to both Neal and the park rangers, who have told him that they will stop any further sand blasting or spray painting in the storage yard.

When I sanded for the last bottom paint job, I moved the boat out of the yard, put down drop cloths, and picked up as much of the residue as I could. In the yard, I've sanded (lightly, with a dust collection vacuum on the sander), painted, waxed, varnished, etc. (And I don't think I've ever painted my neighbor's boat!) Before you start that industrial grade project, please be considerate of your neighbors--move the boat out of the yard to an isolated area.

And if you see someone getting ready to try a huge project which is going to trash the adjacent boats--please talk to the owner and contact Neal or the park ranger.

Here's hoping that your boat projects aren't nearly as much of a disaster! See ya on the water!

David Dickinson

P.S. More to follow re annual meeting and schedule. Watch this space!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

April 12th Board Meeting Minutes

A Board Meeting was held at Lady Falconburgh's on April 12, 2007

Attendees: Frank Weis, Kari and Perry Pepper, Buz Branch, David and Janet, Bill Dodds, Jeff Willis, Fred Grimes, Wes Hartman, Nick Mavrotheri

May 5: Launch day and noon potluck

June 2: Blessing of the Fleet @ 3:00 and then Potluck at 6:00

June 9: La Jara Cruise

June 23: San Juan Cup

June 30: Full moon cruise

July 4th Boat Parade and Holiday Party on Janson's house boat. This will be held on the day of the fireworks.

July 14: He-Man

July 28: Pirate Regatta and Greek Pirate's Lamb Roast

July 29: Sunday Morning Brunch in Pirate's Cove, Pirate attack on the Marina

August 11: Race to La Jara

August 25: Stahlecker Cup

August 26: Progressive breakfast and awards

September 9: Frances Canyon Cruise

September 15: Commodore's Cup

Pirate Regatta Basic Idea: Select a pirate ship by lottery between the club's fastest boats. When the starting gun goes off, the Jolly Roger goes up. The object is for the pirate ship to get a tennis ball in another boat's cockpit. Then that boat becomes the pirate ship with the same mission. Participants should bring tennis balls and a Jolly Roger. The last boat to be a pirate boat wins.

The Stahlecker Cup trophy wheel has enough places for 8 more plates. We decided that after these are filled the trophy will be retired.

The Dinghy dock on the main boat ramp is owned by the SJSC -- 2 sections. We are still trying to move it to the mooring cove.

Beer can races will be held on 06/06, 06/20, 07/11, 07/25, 08/08, 08/22

We need a rotisserie grill for Pirates Regatta. Fred will e-mail the club members to see if there is anyone that has a bar-b-que type rotisserie for roasting a lamb. Nick is considering having one built, maybe Joe Janson will build one, club members may have one, or we could probably rent from Durango Party Rentals..

Sunday, March 11, 2007

2007 Registration Form Online

You can view and print the 2007 Registration Form at:

2007 SJSC Registration Form

Please bring the form and dues to the Annual Meeting or mail to Janet at the address shown at the bottom of the form.


Fred Grimes