June 08 Board Meeting Minutes
Minutes of SJSC meeting held at the Two River’s Marina dock, Saturday, June 7th at 4:15 PM:
Perry asked about the status of the Blog. Reply was that it’s “in process”.
Treasurer’s Report will be available soon.
A member of the club had asked that the new handle for the mast crane be discussed. It is much slower than the old handle requiring more cranking to raise and lower masts. The outcome of the discussion was that the state park installed the winch handle for safety reasons. The state park controls the mast crane. As such, it is unlikely that the old handle can be put back into service. Sorry…
Upcoming events include:
San Juan Cup, Saturday, June 14th. Skipper’s meeting to be held around noon on the dock. The fee for this race is $15.00. Fees must be paid prior to the race. Checks or cash. Prizes will be awarded.
“Bass-ack-ward’s” Race, Sunday, June 15th. Skipper’s meeting to be held around noon on the dock. No fee for this race (and no prizes either!). But, it’s fun so come out and give it a try! The boat with the highest handicap will be first to cross the start line. If you plan to participate, PLEASE CONTACT PERRY ASAP (powder4evermon@hotmail.com) so the handicaps can be figured prior to the weekend! This will save considerable time on the weekend when we all want to relax and just have fun.
Clean up at the park, Saturday, June 21st. Pancake breakfast to be put on by the Marina crew in the morning for those participating If you want pancakes/breakfast, you must let us know (i.e., if you want to eat that morning, RSVP!).
The Man-Over-Board (MOB) drill will be rescheduled to the weekend of July 12th. Several folks interested in this event can not attend on the weekend of June 21st. Stay tuned…
Rum Run and Pot Luck, Saturday, June 28th. Details regarding this event were sent out previously. For the pot luck, bring your own item to grill, a dish to share and, BYOB.
Stahlecher Race for the LOCAL chapter of the American Cancer Society, weekend of July 5th and 6th. This is a fee race with prizes. All fees collected will go to the local chapter of the American Cancer Society. MINIMUM entry fee is $25.00 but open your wallets wide and make as generous a donation as you can. If you are not racing, your donation will be gladly accepted as well!
Reminder: Port Supply orders go to our treasurer, Janet Dickinson (dancingnana@frontier.net). Save money on your West Marine wish list items and order through the club! You will save a little (maybe even a lot) and the club will get 5% of your order total. This revenue adds up over time and helps us to pay for our insurance and other club expenses.
If you haven’t renewed your membership in the club yet, it’s never too late! Again, contact Janet for information on membership.
If you have news for the blog, let Barbara and Bill Dodds know… thinairthinker@bresnan.net.
Interested in racing rules, handicapping, etc., check out the US Sailing Web site at:
Speaking of racing, a very big thanks goes out to Don Aarvold for sharing his extensive knowledge of race starts and tips on rigging for performance on Saturday evening before the dock party! Everyone enjoyed his talk on Saturday evening and we all learned a few new things. Do you have something that you could share with your fellow sailors? We are all ears….